


夏の暑さもそろそろ落ち着きそうな今日この頃。 秋の過ごしやすい季節がやってきますね。   秋と言えば大人気の紅葉ロケーションフォトの季節です! 撮影に行きたいとは思いつつ、でも実際どんな場所で撮影しているのか ご存知でない方も多いと思います。 本日は私たちフォトグラファーオススメNo.1☆のロケ地 『京都府立植物園』をご紹介致します☆   IMG_0121 (1)     たくさんのお花や緑に囲まれ、開放感抜群です!   紅葉の時期も桜の時期もどちら季節も楽しめますよ! すぐ近くに鴨川もあるので、京都らしさもお楽しみいただけます♪   開放感と木々の綺麗さなら圧倒的オススメの植物園で ロケーション撮影をしてみてくださいね☆   3連休ブライダルフェアのご予約はこちら http://dev.andrews.tagaya.co.jp/fair/14/   ---------------------------   Very popular! Photo Shooting at the Botanical Garden!   The summer heat is fading and the days became more bearable. Fall is coming and easy days with it.   When you talk about fall you probably think about changing leaves and very popular photo shootings as well. Many people want to take pictures during fall but they don’t really know any good spots. As a photographer, today I’d like to introduce you my favorite spot! Kyoto’s Furitsu Botanical Garden!   You’ll get an extraordinary sense of liberation when you’re surrounded by flowers and green plants.   It’s a great place for both fall and cherry blossom season! Kyoto’s Kamogawa River is just around the corner so you’ll be able to enjoy the Kyoto-like atmosphere as well!   Or those who enjoy the overwhelming feeling of space and freedom should visit the Botanical Garden for a photo shooting!